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Vision and Mission Statement

Our Vision

Rutland City Public Schools cultivates a passionate, diverse, and resilient community of critical thinkers who learn with purpose, create innovative and responsible solutions, and lead lives of integrity.

Adopted by the Board of School Commissioners on February 24, 2015

Our Mission

We empower students to be accomplished individuals and community members.

We will:

  • Deliver a comprehensive and engaging curriculum for a diverse student body.
  • Provide a safe and healthy environment that fosters mutual respect.
  • Address the social and emotional needs of all students.

Students will:

  • Take responsibility for their education.
  • Develop their intellectual, creative, social, emotional and physical abilities.
  • Be productive members of the school and community.

Every Student, Every Day

Adopted by the Board of School Commissioners on November 27, 2007

School Board Goals

  • Promote a district climate that welcomes open communication and collaborative decision-making.
  • Support and monitor district efforts to promote continuous learning growth for students and staff.