Rutland City Regularly Scheduled School Board Meeting Agenda ~ August 29, 2023
Rutland Public Schools Board of School Commissioners Longfellow Building
6 Church Street
Regular Meeting August 29, 2023 at 6:00 PM
6:00 pm 1.
A. Call to Order
B. Pledge of Allegiance
C. Roll Call
D. Board Norms
• Debate, commentary and discussion are healthy and open
• Listening and speaking are equally important, and both should be done with respect and
• Focus is on students and our schools, not politics
E. Approval of Agenda
6:05 pm 2. Regular Agenda/Consent Agenda (Action Items/Enclosures)
A. Minutes of Previous Meetings
B. Personnel Memo #644
C. Stafford Technical Center FY 23 VACTED Consortium Agreement
D. Policies for Second Reading
1. Second Reading Policy ~ Transportation Program
2. Second Reading Policy ~ Transportation of Students with Disabilities
3. Second Reading Policy~ Financial Management of Surpluses and Deficits at the STC
E. Bid
1. Technology Purchase Bid
6:10 pm 3. Communication
A. Public Input
6:20 pm 4. School/Program Updates
A. Student Representatives' Report
B. Opening of School Report
7:20 pm 5. Central Office Reports
A. Superintendent's Report (Enclosure)
7:40 pm 6. Committee Reports
A. Policy Committee Report~ K Kiefaber (Enclosures/Action Item)
1. First Reading Policy~ Access Control and Visitor Management
2. First Reading Policy~ Fire and Emergency Preparedness Drills
7:45 pm 7. Unfinished Business
8:00 pm 8. New Business
A. Draft Board Calendar and Committee Schedules 2023-24 (Enclosure)
8:15 pm 9. Executive Session ~ Anticipated
9:00 pm 10. Adjournment
- 2023-agenda
- Regularly Scheduled