Regular Meeting of the Board of School Commissioners Minutes ~ November 12, 2024 -- UNAPPROVED MINUTES
November 12, 2024
School Board Members Present: |
Also Present:
Cathy Solsaa, Chairperson |
Superintendent William Olsen |
Marybeth Lennox-Levins, Clerk |
Assistant Superintendent Bianca McKeen |
Sara Atkins-Doenges |
Director of Equity & Inclusion Pam Reed |
Karen Bossi |
CFO Ted Plemenos |
Ryan Carney |
Director of BG&T Glenn Scott |
Marisa Neary (6:02 pm) |
Chris Donahue, PEGTV
Charlene Seward |
Kim Peters, Superintendent Recreation & |
Student Representative Amaya Tonda |
Parks, Rutland City |
Student Representative Amelia Shelton |
Kate Bosnich, Kerry Coarse, Melissa Connor, |
School Board Members Not Present: |
Scott Corbett, Marie Gilmond, |
Courtney Collins |
Jessica Henderson, Brett Lertola, |
Justine Franko |
Justine Ruhlin, Steve Sampson, |
Heather Hauke |
Greg Schillinger, Jennifer Wigmore |
Stephanie Stoodley |
Chair Solsaa called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Chair Solsaa reviewed Board Norms.
Motion by Bossi/Carney to approve the Agenda. Motion carried
Motion by Bossi/Carney to approve the Consent Agenda as amended.
Consent Agenda:
A. Minutes of Previous Meetings
1. October 9, 2024 – Regular Meeting Minutes
2. October 15, 2024 – Policy Committee Meeting Minutes
B. Guest Teacher Pay Recommendation
C. Personnel Memorandum #659 (Attached)
D. Policy Committee
1. Second Reading Policy – Policy 6213, Student Teachers
2. Second Reading Policy – Policy 6310, Political Activities
3. Second Reading Policy – Policy 6320, Solicitations by Staff Personnel
4. Second Reading Policy – Policy 6330, Negotiations
5. Second Reading Policy – Policy 6340, Theft of Services or Property
6. Second Reading Policy – Policy 6350, In-service Training and Staff Development
Motion carried.
Communication – Public Input – Kim Peters, Superintendent of Recreation and Parks, City of Rutland, recognized collaboration between the Recreation Department and Rutland City Public Schools. She thanked the Rutland High School Football Program, Key Club and student athletes for assistance and reviewed high school partnerships/opportunities. She reviewed K-8 partnerships/opportunities.
School Program Updates – Student Representatives’ Report – Noted: At RIS – focus on collaboration, Parent/Teacher Conferences, Halloween Parade, November focus on gratitude, first School-wide Celebration, food pantry and World Kindness Week. At Northeast – Fall Festival, Kindness Character Trait, Steam Day, PTC Grocery Bingo, Thanksgiving Lunch and Family Engagement STEAM Challenge. At Northwest – Stuff a Bus, Family Engagement Surveys, Counselor connected families with resources and the RCPS Learning Lounge, featuring students from Hanamaki. At Stafford Technical Center – Annual Community Service Day and GE Aerospace Foundation Grant. At RMS – end of the first Tri-mester, benchmark assessments, focus on bullying prevention, RISE Program and Drama Club production, “This is Your Brain on Social Media.” At RHS – McClure Foundation Grant and recognition for Ethan Wideawake and Cindy Trevino.
RHS Program of Studies - RHS Program of Studies – Brett Lertola, Associate Principal, and Greg Schillinger, Principal, Rutland High School, reviewed noteworthy changes to the 2025-2026 Program of Studies including new additions:
· English 4: Touchstones of Western Literature CP and Honors
· Fine Arts (quarter - .5 credit each): Advanced Ceramics, Songwriting & Music Production, Costumes for Stage and Life, and Introduction to Strings
· Information Technology: Advanced Robotics (quarter - .5 credit)
It was noted that consideration for courses is based on student interests and alignment with District policies and Portrait of a Graduate. There will be no changes to staffing levels related to course offering changes.
Discussion revolved around Global Studies and STEM endorsements and access to the Program of Studies (on-line and hard copies.)
Central Office Reports – Superintendent’s Report – Superintendent Olsen recognized Adam Brua for receiving the ISTE (International Society for Technical Educators) “Making it Happen Award.” Mr. Olsen noted the GE Aerospace Grant, the Supreme Court visit at RHS, athletic teams and STEAM Day. Commissioner Seward and Superintendent Olsen shared slides from their visit to Hanamaki for the 35th Anniversary of the community partnership. Gifts from Japan were presented to Board members.
STC Budget Presentation – Melissa Connor, Director, and Kate Bosnich, Assistant Director, reviewed the budget process. The STC Regional Advisory Committee will be asked to support the budget on December 4, 2024. Final consideration by the Rutland City Public Schools Board of School Commissioners will be December 10, 2024. Ms. Connor noted budget challenges and the charge to develop a budget that had an increase of no higher than 4%-5%. She noted cuts made to new equipment with new equipment being purchased with grants funding, the permanent closure of the Video Communications program and cuts to program and general supplies, professional services, computer, software, repairs and maintenance, and textbooks. Costs related to the Building Repair Plan will be split between the local budget and reserve funds. Ms. Bosnich reviewed tuition and billing to towns by residence of students which is based on a 6-semester average.) Total expenditures represent an increase of 4.9%. Ms. Connor noted that STC is awaiting student performance data before making decisions related to the Perkins Grant. Ms. Connor commented on students and towns served, and provided comparison data as related to other technical centers in Vermont. Discussion revolved around the Perkins Grant and related expenditure requirements.
Budget: Maintenance and Capital Plan – Director of Buildings, Grounds and Transportation, Glenn Scott and CFO, Ted Plemenos presented the FY 26 Maintenance and Capital Budgets. The budget was decreased $162,600 overall from FY 25 to FY 26 (-$268,000 Capital Decrease and $105, 400 Maintenance Increase.) Discussion revolved around ADA compliance (compliant at the time of construction) and impact.
Enrollment Analysis – Superintendent Olsen reviewed the annual Enrollment Report, explaining how the enrollment has changed/declined (1-3 %) over the years, especially since 2001. This is the trend State-wide. Mr. Olsen noted that early college impacts enrollment as students in that program are not counted. Administration aims to maintain programming while matching enrollment to staffing and will be looking to see if reductions are feasible.
Budget: DRAFT FY 26 Budget Presentation – CFO Ted Plemenos presented the Draft FY 26 budget, noting targets (5% or less increase) and measures. He noted that the presentation would be a general overview with more details to be provided at the next regular meeting. He provided data and comments related to the fiscal landscape: draw down from the State Educational Fund to reduce homestead tax rates, increase in Rutland City homestead tax rate (6%), State provided metrics, and average predicted tax rate (18.5%) and the new Commission on the Future of Public Education in Vermont (preliminary findings to be released December 15, 2024.) Mr. Plemenos advised that about 50% of Rutland County households receive the income-based tax credit to help offset homestead property taxes. About 70% of Vermont homeowners receive the income-based tax credit. About 30% of homeowners are not eligible for any credit. Those are Vermont households making more than $128,000 or more annually or those who rent their homes. Mr. Plemenos discussed inflation trends and provided a preliminary overview of the FY 26 budget compared to the FY 25 budget. Mr. Plemenos advised that he and other District Business Managers anticipate budgetary, legislative and voter uncertainty and noted the need for clear and consistent communication for successful budget outcomes. Discussion revolved around community outreach. Suggestions included: hosting coffee house meetings and asking public to attend in person or tune into December 3 & 10, 2024 meetings.
Policy Committee – Commissioner Bossi advised that the Policy Committee met on October 15, 2024. No members of the public were in attendance. The Committee reviewed policies 6110, 6214, 6410 and 6421. Policy 6420 tabled until next meeting on November 19, 2024.
Motion by Carney/Bossi to approve for First Reading:
1. First Reading Policy – Policy 6110, Goals and Objectives of Personnel System
2. First Reading Policy – Policy 6214, Substitute Teachers
3. First Reading Policy – Policy 6410, Employee Legal Defense
4. First Reading Policy – Policy 6421, Jury Duty
Motion carried.
Unfinished Business – None.
New Business – Commissioner Bossi informed the Board of the recent passing of former Superintendent Brothers and extended condolences to his family.
Motion by Carney/Bossi at 7:45 pm that the Rutland City Board of School Commissioners enter into an executive session with Superintendent Bill Olsen, Assistant Superintendent Bianca McKeen and CFO Ted Plemenos for the purpose of consideration of contractual matters, the premature release of information regarding those subjects which would place the Board at a substantial disadvantage.
Motion carried.
The Board came out of executive session at 7:52 pm.
Motion by Seward/Carney to adjourn at 7:52 pm.
Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Betty Kapitan, Recording Secretary
- 2024-min
- Regularly Scheduled